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Sustainability Vs Regeneration in Real Estate

Sustainability and regeneration have quite different definitions. The latter is particularly significant for those in Real Estate. In this article, I will share my perspective and explain why regeneration holds my attention, and hopefully, it will for you. 

Sustainability is the design and construction of buildings that will not excessively use natural resources, energy, or ongoing maintenance. Several bullet points:

  • Designed for conserving water and recharging the local aquifers with less runoff.

  • Materials are locally sourced to support the region and “fit in”.

  • Site orientation matched with climate and local biodiversity is respected.

  • Greenspaces mitigate heat islands and excessive trans evaporation.

  • Health is promoted with passive light-filled interior spaces, biophilic connections offering exterior green views, and the use of natural materials. 

Regeneration, on the other hand, is when we bring or maintain a building or community to a sustainable level. Examples of this can be found anywhere with older buildings, declining neighborhoods, or even entire towns.  

Here are a few causes.

  • Materials aging out.

  • Urban sprawl leaves once vibrant areas behind to decay.

  • Highways bypassing entire towns.

  • The design of the building is outdated.

  • The urban design of the entire area is outdated.

  • New products and materials are more energy efficient.

  • Expectations are for healthier buildings.

While real estate agents look for listings and pay for lead generation, the inventory of property regeneration is growing rapidly.  

Urban sprawl overflowing into local farmland is no longer a smart solution to the housing demand. In fact, farm fields are especially valuable as they are greenspaces to recharge watersheds and produce food. Regenerating older urban sites are often in prime locations near rivers, lakes, and other natural amenities that the founding fathers valued for hydropower or transportation. As a Real Estate investor or salesperson, staying up to date on what is happening in the revitalization of these properties should be obvious and could be your low-hanging fruit. Here are a few examples.

Are we building better-quality buildings or not?

In the past, the quality of materials and construction was generally better, but the world changed around them. The volume of new rooftops going up seems to be endless. Are we reducing the quality of buildings to meet the pressures of housing demand? Are we thinking only of the short-term fix with no sustainability concern for the longer run?  If so, will this regeneration cycle increase from 100-year-old buildings and urban areas to those that need to be reconfigured in 20 years.? Consider what a disaster that would be on natural resources.

I have seen Facebook groups dishing out negative comments on mass builders producing low-quality but price-friendly homes. Housing developers market housing packages in which the new owners, between closing and moving in, remove entire kitchens just to change a look or improve the quality level. I have also seen construction dumpsters overflowing with perfectly good construction materials, including kitchen cabinets, all of which point to unsustainable processes.

Urban planning and project design. (The G in ESG.)

More and more communities are experiencing roadways filled with choke points from swelling populations.  Clever drivers are skirting traffic jams by cutting through neighborhoods, leaving walkers and bikers without safe routes.  This is not to mention the strain on natural resources/environment (E), or the stress on society's health (S). Sustainability governance must come from the top down in a community.  Having a whole view is imperative, but this is the biggest trick, and not be a silo of expertise or interest. Adding to the complexity, each community presents unique challenges in terms of geography, climate, and natural assets. Yet you will find sustainability and regeneration on the drawing board of almost all municipalities. A few examples:


I hope there is no conclusion to the regeneration/sustainability conversation.  Even Google appears confused by what this means. The keyword competition on sustainability is a page-after-page list of every large company promoting ESG with their newest self-appointed sustainability officer.  Regeneration is an active pathway towards sustainability, an action, not a state of being.