Choosing Sustainable Landscaping Materials For Your Yard
Working with the native landscape materials is often the best decision for best sustainability and Xeriscape.
Tips For Choosing Sustainable Landscaping Material
Today, as we all are becoming more aware of our impact on the environment, we need to examine all aspects of how we live and how we impact our world. Sustainability touches every area of our lives, even our landscaping. Every material, product, or plant in your garden has economic, environmental, and health impacts.
The fact is, landscaping materials can cause environmental damage well before they're installed. From how they are harvested or manufactured to how they are transported, each step consumes energy and generates waste. Even at the end of their lifecycle, materials can be an issue when discarded instead of reused or recycled.
When designing your home's landscaping, you need to consider the ecological impact of the landscaping materials you choose. In this post, we're going to look at what sustainable landscaping means, and how you can select materials that are sustainable and eco-friendly, along with some of the benefits of making the right choices.
What Exactly Is "Sustainable Landscaping?"
A basic definition of sustainable landscaping is "creating and maintaining a landscape following practices that offset any negative environmental impact. It involves landscape design practices that require minimal resources, and generates the least amount of waste."
Converting to an eco-friendly landscape has many significant benefits for you, your family, and the environment. Although it also includes native plants, it goes far beyond. Sustainable landscaping incorporates proven techniques for reducing water usage, pollution, and waste.
It includes choosing eco-friendly materials that has minimal impact on the environment during their harvesting, manufacturing, and life cycle. It can be reused or recycled at the end of life. Besides promoting a healthier environment and being aesthetically pleasing, sustainable landscaping can also save you money.
Sustainable Materials
The appropriate selection and use of materials contribute to a landscape's ability to support and enhance the ecosystem on-site and wherever the material exists throughout its lifecycle. Every step of the landscaping process, from selective and careful excavation to the selection, of materials in the design and construction process. All present opportunities to decrease the amount of material sent to landfills, reduce greenhouse gases, and support a sustainability plan.
Sustainable gardening minimizes the negative impacts of materials use by focusing on a circular lifecycle that fits into the philosophy of "reduce, reuse, recycle." Today, there are many materials available that are locally produced and certified green. Read labels, request products that are local and non-toxic, and look for certifications before you buy. When selecting materials, always consider the costs to human health and environmental impacts. Above all keep it simple and local.
When we talk about materials in a landscape, we're looking at every element involved. Wood, metal, paving materials, plants, soil, rocks, assemblies like retaining walls, and other products are considered natural materials in a landscape. All of these elements perform a specific role in the function and design of a landscape.
The innovative choice and use of materials can create visual interest while maintaining sustainability. Reclaimed materials can be used whole or deconstructed to create a new and unique object. Recycled materials reduce raw materials and avoid sending useful materials to landfills. When native materials are used or locally sourced, it reduces negative environmental impact and creates a sense of space. Using reversible connections, such as nuts and bolts that can easily be removed and reused in the future, can also reduce environmental impact.
Sustainability is best addressed during the planning stage. By choosing the right materials, you'll reduce water use, prevent waste from ending up in the landfill, and mitigate the pollution. To be really conscientious about sustainable landscaping, you need to be diligent and question everything about the materials you choose. Whenever possible, live by the mantra, "reduce, reuse, recycle," and source your materials locally.
Practice xeriscaping, a sustainable landscaping method that reduces the need for water by using native, drought-resistant plants. Think outside the box and repurpose materials. Avoid all toxic materials like pressure-treated lumber or old railroad ties, which may contain arsenic or creosote, and avoid treated wood.
Some favorite landscaping materials have negative environmental impacts in ways we may not even realize. For example, concrete consists of three ingredients, Portland cement, small stones, and sand. It seems pretty sustainable, right? However, producing Portland cement uses a staggering amount of energy and releases lead, arsenic, and mercury into the air. Consider using alternative materials like tamped earth, tamped gravel, or hempcrete – a new material made primarily from hemp stalks and lime. It's not only more sustainable, it is a carbon-negative material!
The bottom line is having an awareness of the natural environment is key. Educate yourself not only on the materials you choose but how they are manufactured, and what they are made from. With knowledge and proper planning, creating sustainable landscaping is not only achievable, but it is also affordable, and it looks incredible!
With In Green Living, Joni Keefe shares nature-based design choices for urban greenspaces and Interior Design. Her interests follow Real Estate & housing sustainable agriculture, eco-friendly building products, and the latest trends in green design. She is a published writer with horticultural design work featured in national publications.